Virtual Selling - how is it going?

Image via The Grocer

Image via The Grocer

FMCG sales have been evolving consistently since the sweaty days of the formal one hour buyer meetings where suppliers prepped for a week and buyers looked in their paper diaries three minutes before to check who they were meeting. 

Covid has forced the trajectory of change on to a steeper incline, fuelled by the habitual behaviours of new generation buyers (Y&Z) - and their innate tech skills and wariness of “inefficient” Boomer small talk.

We’ve found that the new world of remote selling is most effective with a blend of automated sales enablement technology and empathetic, natural and authentic (human) comms skills - as seen here in this recent The Grocer piece.

So take your “Topper” case to the charity shop (appointment only) and get in touch to see how this new model could work for your business.